
As of 6/26/13 we no longer recommend use of Vagrant, but suggest instead using the chef scripts to install the components needed for Fluxtream.  Click here for the chef-based installation instructions.


Install java, maven, git on your development machine

Clone fluxtream-app on Github

This is the main repository for fluxtream's source code.

git clone

Now install missing maven dependencies

cd <fluxtream-app_root>/maven

chmod +x


Install Virtualbox

Vagrant depends on Virtualbox for its ability to create virtual machines.

Head to VirtualBox Downloads

Install Vagrant

Now you need to install vagrant. Go to Vagrant downloads

Clone fluxtream-chef on Github

Fluxtream-chef is basically a collection of chef recipes used to provision a complete environment for running fluxtream.

git clone

Fluxtream-chef also contains a Vagrantfile sample file that you can use to provision your own development instance.

cd <fluxtream-chef_root>/vagrant

mv Vagrantfile.sample.rb Vagrantfile

Now find the synced folders section and modify it according to your file layout

config.vm.synced_folder "/Users/foo/projects", "/home/work"

i.e. This example would work if fluxtream-app was checked out under /Users/foo/projects on your machine

Vagrant up

In <fluxtream-chef_root>/vagrant, do

vagrant up

Sit back and relax while your virtual machine is being built by vagrant (~5-10 minutes)

Build fluxtream

cd <fluxtream-app_root>

mvn -DskipTests=true clean install

The first time you run this, maven will download all required jar dependencies, which will take a while (~10-20 minutes); after that it can take between 10 and 30 seconds. Use JRebel (see below) to avoid recompilation.

Start tomcat

Connect to your vm

vagrant ssh

Start tomcat

sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat7 start

Enjoy fluxtream in your browser

Surf to http://localhost:8282/

(optional) Make it work with JRebel

JRebel has to live in your synched folder: /Users/foo/projects/JRebel/ (this is where the JRebel agent will look for jrebel.jar)

Instead of starting tomcat with /etc/init.d, do (in your vm's console)

sudo su

cd /usr/share/tomcat

bin/ jpda start


If you started tomcat with the script there's a jpda service listening on port 9000